Various Methods Of Hacking Hotmail - BY Rishabh Ðara

Various Methods Of Hacking Hotmail - By Rishabh ╨ara

Rishabh ╨ara

In this tutorial I am going to discuss the various ways of getting past the hotmail security systems.

1)Brute Forcing
This method is extremely tedious, time consuming and useless. A Brute Forcing software tries to gain acsess to an account by the "hit and try" method. It has a dictionary list of (supposedly all) possible passwords and it tries all those passwords for that one username. A good Brute Forcer is the Munga Bunga's HTTP Brute Forcer

2)Fake Login screen
The victim can be fooled into typing his password into a fake login screen which looks similar to that of the actual hotmail login screen. Once he types in his login & password and clicks on sign-in, his details are mailed to your specified email address.
( Hotmail Login

3)Java Scripting & Cookies
Web Programmers tend to use relatively easy webbased languages at the expence of security (cross-scripting). These can be exploited ...

4)Keyloggers & Similar Trojans
Send him a keylogger which notes down all his keystrokes and then mails them to you. If he ever signs in into his hotmail account, his username and password will be sent to you.

5)Hotmail Message Scanner
Some bright empiricist from Root-Core has discovered that anyone can log into their Hotmail account and then call messages from any other Hotmail account by crafting a URL with the second account's username and a valid message number.

6)Verfication Auto Bot
This method is probably the lamest, least known but also the most sucessful method of hacking hotmail. For this i created a email address . Then i added a page on my website ie. which had the following message ...


By continuing on down this letter you agree that Hack_Attack69 will not be held responsible for any misuse of information within these pages. This letter is purely for educational use. If your intentions are similar proceed but if not you will be held responsible for your own mistakes.

Hello Hotmail users. There have been many attempts to hack Unfortunately all of them have failed, EXCEPT this one. I though have found out a revolutionary way to hack hotmail. And might I add it's as easy as ABC. After 8 months of research we have found the broken link. VerificationAutoBot to be exact. is a bot, an auto bot. You send it a letter and within a week it will send you one back. The ULTIMATE hack for hotmail is as follows:

First send a letter to, second within the Subject heading place the word "Password" (not in quotes but has to have a capital P) this way the automated bot recognizes what you are after. Then in the text field place the name of the person at hotmail that you want to hack (Do not put after their name). No capital letters are to be put in this place. Then skip three (3) lines and place your own hotmail account information such as: "My login:My password" (a semicolon makes it easier for the bot to recognize). This way the bot can verify that your account actually exists. And then supplies you with the password for the person's account that you want it for. Here is an example:


Subject: Password

login of the person you want to hack



This IS the only way to hack hotmail. Use it with care.

Thank You Hack_Attack69

People ... being extremely vulnerable, fell for my trick. Now i recieve 700-800 new emails everyday on . LOL ;)
Ps: You need to use a similar method and fool others into doing the above and mailing their passwords to you.

7)Confirmation of Activation
For this one needs to know how to send anonymous emails. Good anonymous mailers can be downloaded at . Then You need to create a hotmail account which sounds similar to or Then send a email from "Hotmail Member Services" <> to your victim with the following message ...

Dear Hotmail« User,

The MSN Hotmail servers are currently under heavy stress due to unproportional usage of our email services. Thus The Hotmail Staff has decided to reduce the number of Hotmail accounts by a huge margin to regain its potential.

All accounts which are currently not under use shall be removed permanently from our web servers. If you wish to retain your Hotmail account kindly send an email to with the subject as "CONFIRMATION" and the message body containing the following details seperated by colons(;)
Login ; Password ; Date of Birth ; Country

Accounts not confirmed shall be rendered terminated. MSN Hotmail« sincerely regrets the inconvenience caused to its clients.

The Hotmail Staff

This procedure almost "never" fails. Your victim is surely going to reply back with his password.

Rishabh ╨ara

Discalimer | The contents of this tutorial should be used for educational purposes only and any misuse of information is none of my buisness ;)


BY Rishabh Ðara